Sour Showers
Grade 8
If we water 3 arugula plants and 3 green onions with different acid rain simulating solutions, then the most acidic solution will slow the plant growth the most because acid rain makes soil poor and less nutritious affecting optimum plant growth.
A tremendous problem that has been extremely prominent in the past few years is acid rain. Even though the pH of acid rain hasn't reached the pH of 2.1 as the scientists recorded in the 1970s and 1980s, it is still horrible for the environment (Willyard, 2010). Acid rain can also be known as acidic deposition and comes in many forms of precipitation including acidic components like snow, rain, hail, fog, sleet etcetera (EPA, 2023). Sulfuric and/or nitric acid are the two main components that make precipitation acidic as it also mixes with other things that are biotic or abiotic before reaching the ground (EPA, 2023). Our experiment is testing different acidities of water (the average acidity of acid rain is 4pH and the worst it has gotten is 2pH) on 2 different types of vegetables. Doing this will help us realize how it affects them individually and then use our data to see how it would help on a real-world scale. If we water 3 arugula plants and 3 green onions with different acid rain simulating solutions, then the most acidic solution will slow the plant growth the most because acid rain makes the soil poor and less nutritious affecting optimum plant growth.
Acid Rain can have different effects on different plants, but one main effect is slowing plant growth. One of the things acid rain affects the most is the soil. When acidic rain falls on the soil it makes it poor and less nutritious for plants (Amthor, 1984). Acid Rain acidifies the soil and releases aluminum contents which are toxic in large amounts (EPA 2023 #2). Aluminum causes toxicity and damages roots in all kinds of vegetation (Northern Tool). And with damaged roots plants have a much harder time surviving. On top of that, acid rain also leaches nutrients and minerals from the soil that are crucial for growing plants. For this reason, there are many fallen/dead trees where acid rain has fallen. On plants with leaves acid rain takes nutrients away from those leaves and leaves a plant unable to perform photosynthesis (EPA 2023 #2). So, in conclusion, acid rain damages and slows the growth of plants.
Identifiable by the name, acid rain is when the rain becomes acidic or contains acid and gasses (Ruff, 2023). When the pH of our rain falls below 5.6, it is now considered acid rain and that is because, trapped inside the rain are the gasses that we have emitted into the environment (Ruff, 2023). The pH of things lets us know if they are acidic or basic/alkaline when placing them on the pH scale where 7.0 is neutral (EPA, 2023). Since 7.0 is neutral on the pH scale, anything lower than that is considered acidic and anything ranked higher is considered basic/alkaline (EPA, 2023). Rain is normally at a 5.6 because it's slightly acidic from the CO2 that dissolved into the rain which creates a weak carbonic acid (EPA, 2023). A way of measuring pH is using colour-changing litmus strips, when in liquid it will turn blue if alkaline and red if acidic (EPA, 2023 #3). Using a pH scale and identifying the pH of our rain helps us know if it is damaging to our vast environment.
As seen in the other paragraphs acid rain is very bad for the environment, but it can be limited a lot. Acid rain is caused by releasing sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into the atmosphere (NHDES, 2019). The main problem is when those chemicals react with other chemicals including water and oxygen. This reaction creates what we know as acid rain (NHDES, 2019). Chemicals like sulphur dioxide are pollutants that are mainly emitted by Electrical Facilities, mostly by those that burn coal. Other sources include petroleum refineries, cement manufacturing plants, and processing facilities (WDHS, 2022). By limiting coal burned, the amount of sulphur dioxide in the atmosphere is limited, which also means that there would be much less acid rain. We can limit the amount of coal burned by switching, at least a little bit of our power sources to renewable energy sources like wind and solar energy (WDHS, 2022). By doing this we can limit the downfall of acid rain and save many plants.
Alkaline water evens out acidic soil and balances pH levels. Alkaline water has a higher pH than normal tap/rainwater which can balance out the soil and help the plant grow. This promotes healthy growth and makes sure the plant gets the necessary nutrients that are available (phox, 2023). On the other hand, an alkaline fluid can remove certain nutrients from the soil such as iron and manganese (ehow, 2023). Those are some of the pros and cons of Alkaline water.
Even though acid rain has been around since about 1850, which is when Robert Angus Smith coined the name Acid Rain and wrote about the connection between acid rain and pollution, it took us a little more than a hundred years to start facing this problem (Arcadia, 2017). Acid rain only fell for the first time in America in the 50s and that's when they realized the horrific problems that can arise from acid rain doing extensive research the USA put out the “Clean Air Act” in 1970 and made it stronger in 1990 (Arcadia, 2017). It started earlier in the Midwest than in America because of all the coal plants there but it spread. This is something that is hard to stop single-handedly because of the amount of the main gases emitted everywhere and a report in 2013 said that, at that time about 88% of our beloved Great Lakes were impaired by the rain (Arcadia, 2017). Just learning more about this makes it more intriguing to do our experiment on it as it will show us some of the major effects on a small scale. We're doing this experiment not just for the sake of an experiment but for sheer curiosity and interest in this problem. Hopefully, acid rain will be something we will see less and less of every year with us reducing emissions and cutting off the main pollutants. An acid rain-free world for us all.
Controlled Variables: Amount of soil, Amount of water, Pots, Spray bottles, Green Onions, Arugula
Independent Variable: The pH of the water (4pH, 7pH, 10pH)
Responding Variable: The height and mutations of the plants
Constant: The plant watered with distilled water (7pH)
- Safety Gloves
- Goggles
- Measuring Cups
- Permanent Marker
- A Mixing Stick/Spoon
- A Ruler
- Baking Soda
- Scale
- Tape
- 3 Green Onion Roots
- 3 Arugula seeds
- 6 Identical Sized Pots
- Sulphuric Acid Dropper
- 1.8L Distilled Water
- 300g x6 Soil
- 6 Spray Bottles
- pH Strips
- Put on your PPE (goggles and gloves)
- Measure and fill each of the 6 pots with 300g of soil using a scale
- In 3 of the pots use your finger to make a small hole to put 1 green onion root halfway into the soil of each of the 3 pots
- Tape a piece of masking tape on to each pot and with the permanent marker label the 3 pots 4.0 Acid Rain, 7.0 Distilled Water and 10.0 Distilled Water
- In the other 3 pots dig small holes to put arugula seeds in each and cover them with soil
- Repeat step 4 with the 3 remaining pots
- Measure out 300 ml of distilled water and pour it into all 6 of the spray bottles
- In 2 spray bottles add one drop of sulphuric acid and stir it. Check the pH with a pH strip to see if it's at a 4.0. Keep adding one drop of sulphuric acid and check the pH until it's a 4.0 and label them 4.0 acid rain
- In 2 spray bottles add 1g of baking soda in each and stir it, check the pH with a pH strip until the pH is at a 10.0 and label them 10.0 distilled water
- Make sure to still have 2 spray bottles that are just plain distilled water which is a 7.0 and label them 7.0 distilled water
- Spray each plant with the solution that is on its label, spray it 25 times
- Water each arugula plant every 2 days and green onion plant every other day with the same solution as the label keeping it consistent with 25 sprays
- Repeat step 12 for 2-3 weeks
- Record observations of plants everyday, measuring the height of the plant with a ruler and noting the changes/mutations on each plant
DAY 1 *Photos are only taken on watering days *Sorry about the images, it wouldn't let me crop them fully
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 0cm, no growth 4pH: 1.3cm, greenish yellow in color
7pH: 0cm, no growth 7pH: 1.3cm, greenish yellow in color
10pH: 0cm, no growth 10pH: 1.9cm, greenish yellow in color
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 0cm, no growth 4pH: 2.3cm, split into two shoots
7pH: 0cm, no growth 7pH: 2cm, split into two shoots
10pH: 0cm, no growth 10pH: 1.9cm, split into two shoots
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 0cm, no growth 4pH: 2.5cm, very dark green
7pH: 0cm, no growth 7pH: 3.5cm, light green
10pH: 0cm, no growth 10pH: 4cm, light green with its roots
above the soil
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 0.8cm, 1 sprout, yellow hue 4pH: 5.4cm, both shoots same size
7pH: 1.4cm, 7 sprouts, all are 7pH: 6.6cm, one shoot is slightly taller
roughly the same height 10pH: 7cm, one tall shoot and one
10pH: 1.5cm, 5 sprouts, very short shoot
similar to 7pH
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 2cm, 7 sprouts, shortest ones 4pH: 8cm, no other changes
are kinda yellowy orange 7pH: 10.3cm, tall shoot is 2x as
7pH: 2.4cm, 9 sprouts, light green tall as the short shoot
in color, all are kinda tall 10pH: 11.6cm, no other changes
10pH: 2.8cm, 9 sprouts, varies a
lot in height, tiniest yellow hue
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 3.3cm, 7 sprouts, outer leaf is 4pH: 11cm, very slanted compared
yellowish red, light green in center to the other plants
7pH: 4cm, 9 sprouts, all are a 7pH: 14cm, no other changes
lightish green color 10pH: 17cm, no other changes
10pH: 4.1cm, 10 sprouts, some
sprouts are a lighter green
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 4.5cm, 9 sprouts, newest 4pH: 14.1cm, no other changes
sprouts are yellow, very fragile 7pH: 17.3cm, no other changes
and wobbly 10pH: 20.2cm, no other changes
7pH: 5.5cm, 9 sprouts, no
discoloration at all
10pH: 4.8cm, 11 sprouts, new
sprout has a red dot
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 5.2cm, 9 sprouts, all stems 4pH: 17.6cm, no other changes
are bent and wobbly 7pH: 23.1cm, no other changes
7pH: 5.8cm, 9 sprouts, no new 10pH: 24.4cm, 3rd sprout grew
sprouts latley, still the tallest
10pH: 4.8cm, 11 sprouts, one
sprout is frail, its stems thinning
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 5.2cm, 9 sprouts, all have red, 4pH: 20.1cm, no other changes
brown, orange, yellow specks 7pH: 24.6cm, 2nd shoot isn't
7pH: 6.5cm, 9 sprouts, only one really growing
sprout has a red speck 10pH: 26.2cm, 2nd shoot
10pH: 4.9cm, 11 sprouts, new isn't growing at all
sprout grew, frail one died
DAY 10
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 5.2cm, 10 sprouts, stems tops 4pH: 23cm, a type of crust grew
are slightly yellow, bendy/wobbly on the root
7pH: 6.5cm, 9 sprouts, all stand 7pH: 25.1cm, no other changes
upright, no new sprouts 10pH: 28cm, no other changes
10pH: 4.9cm, 11 sprouts, all have
white powder on leaves, yellow dots
DAY 11
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 5.3cm, 7 sprouts, 3 died, stems 4pH: 25.8cm, no other changes
came weak, leaves shriveled up 7pH: 26.7cm, 3rd shoot grew
7pH: 6.5cm, 9 sprouts, 2 sprouts 10pH: 29cm, no other changes
have little red dots
10pH: 4.9cm, 11 sprouts, leaves
look shriveled, white powder
DAY 12
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 5.4cm, 7 sprouts, leaves are 4pH: 28cm, 3rd shoot grew
shriveled, reddish color on sprouts 7pH: 28.4cm, no other changes
7pH: 6.6cm, 9 sprouts, 8th day of 10pH: 30.3cm, no other changes
no new sprouts, no new discoloration
10pH: 4.9cm, 11 sprouts, leaves
look bad, white powder, red dots
DAY 13
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 5.4cm, 7 sprouts, 1 sprout is 4pH: 30.5cm, very dark in color,
floppy, leaves are shrivieled tilting slightly
7pH: 6.6cm, 9 sprouts, leaves are 7pH: 30cm, shoots tips have
spreading more apart on the stem become a brownish color
10pH: 4.9cm, 11 sprouts, 1 new sprout, 10pH: 29cm, tilting slightly
1 sprout died, red specks
DAY 14
Arugula: Green Onion:
4pH: 5.5cm, 5 sprouts, 2 sprouts 4pH: 32.5cm, the shoots bent
died, stems got thin/eaten away 7pH: 33cm, the shoots bent
7pH: 6.8cm, 10 sprouts, new 10pH: 34cm, the shoots bent
sprout grew, slightly yellow leaves
10pH: 4.9cm, 11 sprouts, tiniest
sprout has discoloration
DAY 15
4pH: 5.5cm, 5 sprouts, brown and
red dots on shriveled leaves
7pH: 6.9cm, 10 sprouts, tiniest sprout is
less yellow than other pH tiniest sprouts
10pH: 4.9cm, 11 sprouts, white powder on
leaves, some shriveled, discoloration
DAY 16
4pH: 5.5cm, 5 sprouts, tallest sprout is
straightest, others are wobbly/bendy
7pH: 6.9cm, 10 sprouts, tallest 2 sprouts are
bending, new sprouts leaves haven't opened
10pH: 5cm, 11 sprouts, all leaves are uneven
or shriveled, has more discoloration
DAY 17
4pH: 5.5cm, 5 sprouts, 3 sprouts are very
twisty turny, tiniest sprouts leaves shriveled
7pH: 7cm, 10 sprouts, 2 sprouts are wobbly,
tiniest sprouts leaves are opening slowly
10pH: 5cm, 10 sprouts, 1 sprout died, had
shriveled and uneven leaves
DAY 18
4pH: 5.5cm, 4 sprouts, 1 sprout died, it's
stem was thinning and weak
7pH: 7cm, 10 sprouts, leaves have no
deformations, tiniest sprout has red dots
10pH: 5.3cm, 10 sprouts, deformed sprouts,
white powder on leaves, tilting sprouts
DAY 19
4pH: 5.5cm, 4 sprouts, tallest sprout is the
least shriveled, discolored and bendy
7pH: 7cm, 10 sprouts, tiniest sprout grows
slowly, tallest sprout is very bendy
10pH: 5.3cm, 9 sprouts, 1 sprout died,
weak and wobbly stem
DAY 20
4pH: 5.5cm, 4 sprouts, all are bendy,
shortest sprouts leaves are shrvieled
7pH: 7cm, 10 sprouts, more sprouts are
bendy, tiniest sprouts leaves opened
10pH: 5.3cm, 8 sprouts, 1 sprout died,
had one big leaf and one small leaf
DAY 21
4pH: 5.5cm, 3 sprouts, tiniest sprout died,
discoloration, thinning stem, bendy
7pH: 7.5cm, 10 sprouts, tallest 5 sprouts are
bendy, light stems, medium dark leaves
10pH: 5.3cm, 5 sprouts, different sized leaves
and stems, discoloration, bendy
(Nov 30) Day 1 |
(Dec 1) Day 2 |
(Dec 2) Day 3 |
(Dec 3) Day 4 |
(Dec 4) Day 5 |
(Dec 5) Day 6 |
(Dec 6) Day 7 |
Arugula |
4pH: 0cm 7pH: 0cm 10pH: 0cm |
4pH: 0cm 7pH: 0cm 10pH: 0cm |
4pH: 0cm 7pH: 0cm 10pH: 0cm |
4pH: 0.8cm 7pH: 1.4cm 10pH: 1.5cm |
4pH: 2cm 7pH: 2.4cm 10pH: 2.8cm |
4pH: 3.3cm 7pH: 4cm 10pH: 4.1cm |
4pH: 4.5cm 7pH: 5.5cm 10pH: 4.8cm |
Green Onion |
4pH: 1.3cm 7pH: 1.3cm 10pH: 1.9cm |
4pH: 2.3cm 7pH: 2cm 10pH: 1.9cm |
4pH: 2.5cm 7pH: 3.5cm 10pH: 4cm |
4pH: 5.4cm 7pH: 6.6cm 10pH: 7cm |
4pH: 8cm 7pH: 10.3cm 10pH: 11.6cm |
4pH: 11cm 7pH: 14cm 10pH: 17cm |
4pH: 14.1cm 7pH: 17.3cm 10pH: 20.2cm |
(Dec 7) Day 8 |
(Dec 8) Day 9 |
(Dec 9) Day 10 |
(Dec 10) Day 11 |
(Dec 11) Day 12 |
(Dec 12) Day 13 |
(Dec 13) Day 14 |
Arugula |
4pH: 5.2cm 7pH: 5.8cm 10pH: 4.8cm |
4pH: 5.2cm 7pH: 6.5cm 10pH: 4.9cm |
4pH: 5.2cm 7pH: 6.5cm 10pH: 4.9cm |
4pH: 5.3cm 7pH: 6.5cm 10pH: 4.9cm |
4pH: 5.4cm 7pH: 6.6cm 10pH: 4.9cm |
4pH: 5.4cm 7pH: 6.6cm 10pH: 4.9cm |
4pH: 5.5cm 7pH: 6.8cm 10pH: 4.9cm |
Green Onion |
4pH: 17.6cm 7pH: 23.1cm 10pH: 24.4cm |
4pH: 20.1cm 7pH: 24.6cm 10pH: 26.2cm |
4pH: 23cm 7pH: 25.1cm 10pH: 28cm |
4pH: 25.8cm 7pH: 26.7cm 10pH: 29cm |
4pH: 28cm 7pH: 28.4cm 10pH: 30.3cm |
4pH: 30.5cm 7pH: 30cm 10pH: 31.9cm |
4pH: 32.5cm 7pH: 33cm 10pH: 34cm |
(Dec 14) Day 15 |
(Dec 15) Day 16 |
(Dec 16) Day 17 |
(Dec 17) Day 18 |
(Dec 18) Day 19 |
(Dec 19) Day 20 |
(Dec 20) Day 21 |
Arugula |
4pH: 5.5cm 7pH: 6.9cm 10pH: 4.9cm |
4pH: 5.5cm 7pH: 6.9cm 10pH: 5cm |
4pH: 5.5cm 7pH: 7cm 10pH: 5cm |
4pH: 5.5cm 7pH: 7cm 10pH: 5.3cm |
4pH: 5.5cm 7pH: 7cm 10pH: 5.3cm |
4pH: 5.5cm 7pH: 7cm 10pH: 5.3cm |
4pH: 5.5cm 7pH: 7.5cm 10pH: 5.3cm |
After testing on two different plants with different pHs there is a variety of data that has been collected. Starting with the arugula plants, the 10pH plant grew the shortest at 5.3cm, then the 4pH plant grew at 5.5cm and finally the 7pH plant at 7.5cm. On the other hand, the green onions shortest plant was the 4pH at 32.5cm, then 7pH at 33cm and lastly 10pH at 34cm. There isn’t much difference in th green onions height other than more or less than 1cm. It’s similar to the 4pH and 10pH arugula plants but the 7pH was 2 cm taller than the 10pH. Still, it’s not a huge height difference but it’s the biggest difference we have.
Other than the height of the plants the color, shape, stability, and amount of shoots/sprouts were also noted. The 4pH arugula plant only had 3 sprouts by the end of the experiment but once had 10 sprouts on the 10th day. The 4pH green onion plant had 3 shoots and grew its final shoot on the 12th day. The 7pH arugula plant ended the experiment with 10 sprouts and none died throughout the experiment. The 7pH green onion plant had 3 shoots and the 3rd shoot grew on the 11th day. The 10pH arugula plant had 5 sprouts on the last day and had the most sprouts at one point. It once had 11 sprouts but 6 died due to some mutations.
Among other things the colors of the plants or the amount of discoloration affected them. Like the 4pH arugula plant had yellow or orange hues on its sprouts, some more than others. They also had a series of different colored specks including red, brown, orange, and yellow. The 4pH green onion started off a yellowish green and became a darker shade of green by the end. It also started growing crust on its root. The 7pH arugula plant had light green sprouts that darkened slightly and only a couple sprouts had 1 or 2 red specks. The 7pH green onion plant started of a greenish yellow and became more green. The tips of its shoots started turning brown. The 10pH arugula plant had the same specks as the 4pH but also had white powder or some white discoloration. The 10pH green onion plant was a greenish yellow and became a light green. It was the lightest compared to the other pHs.
Finally, the stability and shape of the plants. The 4pH arugula plants became extremely fragile, wobbly and bendy. The many sprouts died due to stem thinning and shriveled leaves. The 4pH green onion plant was very slanted from the beginning and fully bent on the last day. The 7pH arugula plant were all roughly the same height and stood straight upright till the tallest 2 started to bend slowly. The 7pH green onion plant had one tall shoot that 2x as tall as its other shoot and fully bent on the final day. The 10pH arugula plant experienced stem thinning and shriveled leaves as well, they also started to tilt on the last couple of days. The 10pH green onion plant had one tall shoot and one that didn’t grow. It also bent on the last day like its fellow green onions.
In conclusion our hypothesis was correct about the green onions but incorrect about the arugula plants.
Based on height, the 4pH green onion plant and the 10pH arugula plant grew the least. The green onion shoots had a difference of height of 1.5cm and they all looked almost identical. There was a small difference on the 4pH green onion plant, and that was that there was crust building up around the lower stem of the green onion. The arugula plants on the other hand had the 4pH & 10pH plant very close in height on Day 21, while the 7pH plant was 2cm taller than the other two. Though the shortest sprout on the last day was from the arugula plant with 10pH water, it was only shorter by 0.2cm and there were other factors that show 4pH water had a larger effect in slowing the plant growth. One example is how there were the least sprouts (3) and the arugula sprouts had thinning stems. Its is safe to say that the 7pH plants from both experiments were successful with similar, healthy results.
Real World Application
The real world application of this experiment is that it shows how plants would be affected by certain pHs of water. For example, the 4pH water was used to be an example of acid rain. This experiment showed the effects of acid rain on plants. On top of that, it also demonstrated how these 2 types of plants would react to 7pH (neutral water) and 10pH (basic water). This experiment has shown the effect of the pHs of water on plants and this could be beneficial in many ways. This experiment helps farmers and gardeners know that 7pH water would be the safest option to use to water plants. It also shows that even if there were to be a downpour of acid rain the plant's growth would be slowed & damaged but it would most likely not kill the plant.
This experiment also demonstrated the signs of a plant grown in acidic soil/conditions. This helps gardeners and farmers in the agriculture industry understand which plants are acceptable to be sold to consumers. This can also help consumers understand what vegetables are clean and healthy or contaminated. Additionally, irrigation and watering sprinklers can have water sourced from acid rain that can also end up in the water systems. So if acidic water were to pour into a water source then you could see the signs on the plants to know there was acidic liquid. If acid rain gets in your water, it’s really hard to tell if it's there as it tastes like clean water. Finding acid rain in drinking water isn’t extremely common, but it is best to filter your water anyway to make sure it is truly clean. Filtering water can also take out heavy metals that aren’t good for consumption.
From this experiment, scientists can try to breed plants to make them adaptable to the acidic environment that their in. This could help world hunger with less produce being spoiled while also helping the economy and farmers. Some places that are prone to acid rain are Northeast USA, Taiwan, China, Southeastern Canada, and parts of Eastern Europe. These countries are vulnerable to acid rain mostly due to the fact that there are so many industrial plants and the pollutants that they produce. So by creating protection for these plants, we can start solving big issues and start helping people and their lives.
Next Steps
From this experiment, we now know some of the effects of acid rain on certain plants. To expand on this, we could experiment with other types of plants like roots or berries, and see the effects on them. We could even dive deeper into the effects on the soil, and how the main nutrients in soil like nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P), and potassium(K) are affected. To take this a step further, we could see how plants in different environments react differently towards acid rain.
Some questions for later experiments:
- How does acid rain affect the soil/nutrients in the soil?
- Does the environment a plant is in affect its reaction to acid rain?
- Which plants are affected the most by acid rain? Berries, roots, flowers, herbs, etc?
- What are the effects of acid rain on different ecosystems?
Sources Of Error
Some things that could have or did impact the experiment were:
- The days the plants were watered (Arugula every 2 days and Green Onion every other day)
- Not enough natural sunlight since it was the winter, they were grown inside and, not enough windows nearby
- Temperature inside the house could have affected the plants growth rate and the mutations on each plant
- Temperature inside the house could have affected the pH of the solutions like if the temperature in a liquid increase the pH will decrease and vice versa (Shouldn’t have affected it that much as there would have to a be big change of temperature)
- Willyard (2010),roughly%201%2C000%20times%20more%20acidic.&text=Acid%20rain%20affected%20many%20parts,suffered%20the%20most%20ecological%20damage.
- Ruff (2023),has%20a%20pH%20around%204.0.
- EPA (2023)
- Amthor (2023)
- EPA (2023 #2),that%20trees%20need%20to%20grow.
- (NortherenTool),best%20to%20avoid%20aluminum%20altogether.
- EPA (2023 #3)
- NHDES (2019)
- WDHS (2022),metal%20smelting%20and%20processing%20facilities
- Arcadia (2017),occur%20due%20to%20acid%20rain.
- phox (2023)
- ehow (2023)
We would like to thank and acknowledge our science teacher, Mr. Baranec, for helping us at the very begining with figuring our project out. We would also like to thank him for supporting us and giving us time to work on our project. Another person we would like to thank and acknowledge is our schools Science Fair coordinator and teacher Ms. Burkell. We thank her for her constructive feedback that helped us improve our project and for believing that we can possibly win a medal. Last but definitly not least, we would like to thank and acknowledge our biggest supporters, our parents. We thank them for believing in us even when we thought making it to CYSF wasn't a possibility and for being very optimistic. And we thank them for being there and helping us when we really needed it.
Thank you everyone for all the support!