Grade: 6

Does looking at a scary picture make your heart rate go up ?

I think that now this question will be solved An when we have a answer people with heart rate problems Will second guess to look at scary pictures

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Grade: 7

Does the 5 second rule actually work?

My project(Does the 5-Second Rule Work) investigates whether the popular belief that food dropped on the floor is safe to eat if picked up within five seconds is true or not.

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Grade: 6

Does the day of equinox change

Im doing a research project to see if the equinox changes year to year

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Grade: 5

Does The Favourite Slurpee Flavour Have The Dirtiest Handle?!

I will swab the handles at 7-11 to collect germs to grow bacteria. I will survey people and see if the most liked flavour had the most bacteria.

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Grade: 5

Does the length of a pendulums string affect its swing time?

I will do this experiment by first making two pendulums.Ones string would be longer and the other will be short.Then I will use a timer to note how much time each of the pendulums will take to do one oscillation.

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Grade: 6

Does the shape of the blades affect a wind turbines performance

We tested the speed of the different types of blades. We had a rectangular, triangular and squared. We had a stop watch and stopped it when the flat washer reached the top.

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Grade: 6

Does the the look of food affect your bias of taste towards it

We are wondering if the way food looks affects how it tastes. We are going to bake cookies in two batches. they will have the same recipe except one batch has green food dye in it, then we will hand them out and record which one was the favorite

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Grade: 8

Does the type of sound surrounding the plant affect plant growth?

For this experiment, I played two genres of music to two different plants, and kept another plant in an area with general everyday noise, and had a control plant for 18 days, to test how different types of sound affect plant growth.

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Grade: 7

Does turning off colour on your phone reduce your screen time?

We are trying to to discover if turning off colour on your phone will reduce your screen time

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